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Ir. Bram Hertasning

Ir. Bram Hertasning

Deputy Director, Urban Transport Policy, Center of Traffic & Urban Transport Policy, Transportation Policy Agency, Indonesia Ministry of Transport
Bram Hertasning is deputy director for urban transport policy at the Indonesia Ministry of Transport's Center of Traffic & Urban Transport Policy, which forms part of the ministry's Transportation Policy Agency. He has a Master’s degree in transport management and another in logistics management from the University of Sydney, Australia. Bram also has a professional degree as an ASEAN Eng in railways transportation. Before joining the Transportation Policy Agency, he served as head of sub-directorate for infrastructure integration transportation at Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency and Head Class 1 Railway Engineering Center Central Java Region at Directorate General Railway. Currently, he is department head of industry at ITS Indonesia, Training and Competence Development and Sustainability Division, Railways Engineer Board, Indonesian Engineer Association, Indonesian Transport Society for DKI Jakarta Chapter, and Indonesian Railways Society.